2013年12月19日 星期四

love- perfect but fragile

“It reminds me of that old joke- you know, a guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and says, hey doc, my brother's crazy! He thinks he's a chicken. Then the doc says, why don't you turn him in? Then the guy says, I would but I need the eggs. I guess that's how I feel about relationships. They're totally crazy, irrational, and absurd, but we keep going through it because we need the eggs.”

起初我對這段文字毫無頭緒,後來找到一個快狠準的解畫:Egg is your irrational expectation over the crazy relationship. The story is good, and I really love the way Annie and Alvy were still together. Especially the scenes at the beginning that, Annie and Alvy went through their pass relationships and how they laugh at the old memories together(though they actually just happened a few months ago!) I am not acknowledgeable to understand most of his jokes but it doesnt make a problem to go through the whole movie happily and smoothly.

Maybe I am still too young when comparing with Woody Allen, I think my love life ends too soon. I want to try more and more and more and there shouldnt be an end right? What's the point of getting married? Marriage shouldnt be a sign of ‘stop to be curious about other males/females’.(Theres never 100% security and promising in a relationship isnt it?) Or maybe there's shouldnt a thing called marriage, it certainly drives people crazy, as some people expect marriage is a life-time promise AS they clearly understand that, relationship/lovelife wouldnt exist forever and ever. Well maybe this is the 'egg' that Alvy mentioned at the end of the movie.

When I woke up this morning, the last few scenes of the movie suddenly came up to my mind. Annie and Alvy were sitting face to face and talking together inside a restaurant, and they were only friends in that scene. I started to realise everything has gone too fast... my memories flash back and they seems just happened a few weeks ago——the physical time hasn't passed too soon but the distance, the distance......

2013年12月8日 星期日

Fight Club 頓時成為我最喜愛電影之一:電影包含的意志太強大了。



昨天跟一位摯友談了很多。說起 有人說過,人生遇上的每一個人都帶著我們要學習的課題。他問 他教了我甚麼。我想 要等那個人消失了,才會知道。我曾遇過的某幾個人,花了不少時間把我從活潑無憂變成相對地壓抑沈默。消沈時我間中懷念過去的自己,不過當我在生活的群體裡間中會看到那些過去的我時,現在的我會暗地慶幸自己的改變。

有人說過,裝睡的人最難叫醒。我問他 人有了信仰,是否會較踏實——其實我只是在問自己罷了。之前另一位摯友跟我說過,他覺得這個世界不再真實——也許就是再也找不到能相信的理由。最近,我認為造夢的說法最能形容我的狀態:我的感情生活,我的工作,我的習性。我開始習慣愛理不理,我開始對不喜歡的工作麻目,我繼續甚至增加在街上流連遊車河的時間及次數。越壓抑,越討厭自己對自己的不仁。

2013年11月7日 星期四


人被賦予了自由意志,可由此來選擇善惡。只能行善或者只能作惡的人,就成了發條橘子 ── 也就是說,他外表是有機物,具有可愛的色彩與汁液,實際上僅僅是發條玩具,由著上帝、魔鬼或無所不能的國家﹝它日益取代了前兩者﹞操縱。徹底善與徹底惡一樣沒有人性,重要的是道德選擇權。惡必須與善共存,以便道德選擇權的行使。
   ─── 安東尼吉伯斯
主角亞歷克斯從無惡不作,後來「被變成」一個邪惡思想依舊,卻對所有惡行無力反抗的怪物── 他確實是「物」。在行為治療裡,醫生(研究人員也許更為貼切)對亞歷克斯使用最簡單的古典制約來改變他的行為。這就是我們常說的「洗腦」吧。





人的思想均具有侵略性,以自我為中心,合作互相包容是為了配合大環境的改變,共同達成各種目的。發條橙裡的世界 善與惡均是極端地存在。對與錯的價值觀是從教育中學習得來。很多時候我對很多事情都抱觀望態度,因為獲得經過選擇的資訊的我們,幾乎都是被利用為政治把戲的棋子。


2013年8月28日 星期三


The project is now available online (HKBUtube), feel free to take a look


Also thanks for the invitation from 10 ChanceryLane Gallery, the work is now available during 28 Aug - 21 Sep.


2013年6月21日 星期五

Leon Levinstein

"A good photograph," he said, "will prove to the viewer how little our eyes permit us to see. Most people only see what they've always seen and what they expect to see. Whereas a photographer, if he's good, will see everything."

2013年4月20日 星期六





Starting Point
- Why the project starts (background information, what is interesting)
- Visual and onsite research (photos)
-         Analysis base on observation, my thoughts and wonder about communication, the ownership of spaces, our identity in this city etc.
-         Research on Public Space, + public space moved into shopping malls?
-         Situationist International: Same problem happens in 60s!
-         Materialism
-         My thoughts about a 理想化 relationship between city and citizens (related to artist statement)
What can we do?
- Based on site research, unseen restriction is the focus point
- Tone and Manner: Fun and public are able to engage
- Reasons: (1) Fun and (2) Public can engage- Slightly mention public art research
- Artwork (artist) research + little analysis: How they inspires me
SOFT Revolt 軟抗爭
-         Analysis on selected site(reason)
-         Apply different objects onto sites according to each of their traits
-         The way I play- Objects: Why or why not?

Meaning of Flaneur
Reference List

Artist Statement

Artist Statement:


Every person in the city occupied their spaces depends on their ability and needs. The spaces owned by everyone, however, are full of restrictions. How great of everyone is welcomed to lie down and take a rest freely in our city.

2013年4月15日 星期一

Public art artist

Public arts

Ng Ka Chun

Lo Chi Ho

They are different in some ways, will update later

2013年3月31日 星期日

Final Execution(31 March 2013)

/Venue 1/
Benches with bars in between (of any materials)

- They are all long enough to let people lay down, yet adding the iron bar to stop people to do it.
- To fill up the space between bars
- Use pillows/cushion to fill up, it also generates a comfortable and cozy feeling

/Venue 2/
Mongkok under the footbridge near fish street

- These stone columns filled up the whole area, not letting people nearby to put their goods and stocks under the footbridge, yet it also provides inconvenience to people who want to rest
Make seat/ place chairs on top of the columns, to generates a smooth and flat surface

A Park at Choi Hung Estate
- These chairs were separated very far apart, making people cannot forma better gathering circle 
Put a fabric in between to make a seat

Columns at the entrance of parks 
- There are many iron columns in Sham Po Kong, some of them are made to stop cars' entering a certain area. yet most of them fail to do that. 
-Since these columns are made for stopping cars, I do not intended to put them into my work series this time.
/Venue 5/
Need to analyze more of the location: (might be include) historical, cultural, people's activities

2013年3月16日 星期六

Book Reference

EAP: Engaged Art Theory & Practice
Editor: Andrew Lam Hon-Kin
Museum of Site(MOST), 2005

-About the issue of Public Space and the form of art execution

Example: Lu Jie, The Long March

Fiber and Space Studio: The 5th Studio Department of Sculpture, China Academy of Art

中國美術學院雕塑系第五工作室, 施慧, 2007

-Very inspiring on material usage(New material of making Sculpture)

/will add into reference list later/
- Artists' responsibility on location investigation,
like history and the community connection/ relationship

2013年2月21日 星期四



我們可以做/ 不可以做, 是由誰決定呢?
城市VS城市人, 誰是主誰是客?

城市化, 令人的行為模式改變
是好是壞, 沒有絕對答案



2013年2月20日 星期三


Let's turn our city into a playground!!!!
The theme is playground

(I) Welcome back
(2) 花式手繩
(3) throwing rings competition
(4) tea time
(5) human- bowling

* photography


Over the past few weeks, I have been thinking about the execution of the project.

After reviewing the previous findings and researches, I would like to go further on the soft rules underlying in our city. I am interested in design of chairs: there are mainly in two types: long benches and separate with another; long bench with iron bars. 

I think those objects can keep us tight together, but at the same time, can make us separate further with other people. 

As the city separated us apart, we have to link us together again. 

So I will use fabric and strings as the linkage, and invite people around to finish my work.