2013年3月31日 星期日

Final Execution(31 March 2013)

/Venue 1/
Benches with bars in between (of any materials)

- They are all long enough to let people lay down, yet adding the iron bar to stop people to do it.
- To fill up the space between bars
- Use pillows/cushion to fill up, it also generates a comfortable and cozy feeling

/Venue 2/
Mongkok under the footbridge near fish street

- These stone columns filled up the whole area, not letting people nearby to put their goods and stocks under the footbridge, yet it also provides inconvenience to people who want to rest
Make seat/ place chairs on top of the columns, to generates a smooth and flat surface

A Park at Choi Hung Estate
- These chairs were separated very far apart, making people cannot forma better gathering circle 
Put a fabric in between to make a seat

Columns at the entrance of parks 
- There are many iron columns in Sham Po Kong, some of them are made to stop cars' entering a certain area. yet most of them fail to do that. 
-Since these columns are made for stopping cars, I do not intended to put them into my work series this time.
/Venue 5/
Need to analyze more of the location: (might be include) historical, cultural, people's activities

